Are you a tired teen trying to get by throughout the day? Well it's probably because you haven't been eating nutritious food.

Good, healthy food is essential to our lives because we need to make sure that we have enough energy to be able to concentrate at school, work, or during other activities that keep us busy throughout the day.

How to Know What to Eat
Today, technology allows us to have every piece of information in the palm of our hands. If you aren't sure what is considered nutritious food, you can always do some research on it. There are a variety of healthy and good tasting food recipes online, free of charge, and you can customize them to your liking. If you don't know how to cook or you do not feel like it, you can always ask a parent, guardian or friend to make it for you!

What Are Some Good and Nutritious Foods?
Here are five of the most nutritious foods that you should make sure to eat; vegetables, fruit, grains, reduced fat dairy, and protein. According to the Raising Children Network, a diverse meal can help us make sure that we are eating the proper nutrients and are feeling energized throughout the day.

To sum up, we should all be very strict about what we put into our bodies. Since our body is our temple, we want to make sure we are making the right decisions with it. Now think about it – do you think your body is getting the right nutrients?