Mom, Dad, I’m so bored! There’s nothing to do! There’s nobody to play with!”

Parents, if you’re hearing these pleas from your child, this article is addressed to you. If your child prefers spending days in a dark basement in front of a screen as opposed to playing outside in the fresh air and sunshine, this article is addressed to you. No matter how many newfangled video games and tech toys your child has, no matter how “educational” they may be, nothing can ever replace fresh air and sunshine, good old-fashioned play and human contact, especially over the long summer vacation.

Do you remember the old proverb, “Healthy body, healthy mind”? Our parents understood that one and put it into practice by sending us outdoors to play from morning until night, usually only calling us in for meals. We played dodge-ball, skipped rope, roller skated, put on plays, sold lemonade, and yes, even went to summer camp. When we went back to school at summer’s end we were all suntanned, rosy-cheeked and fit, and full of stories about our summer adventures. What great memories we all have!

But alas, our world has changed and we no longer want our children roaming freely in the neighborhood. But we still have the responsibility of filling that void, of providing them with opportunities to develop those “healthy bodies and healthy minds”, to help create those summer memories. Not to bore you with all kinds of studies and statistics, suffice it to say that children who are not physically and intellectually active over the summer tend to stagnate and even regress to some degree.

We've got to keep those juices flowing in their young minds and bodies, and summer camps can be the answer to all of the above. As you wade through the Summer Camp Section you will find a great variety of camp offerings, both day camps and sleep-away camps, and wonder how to make the best choices for your children. Here are a few criteria you may consider;

  • Your budget; Price is an important consideration, and less costly options do not mean lower quality, and vice versa.

    Some camps are run by non-profit organizations or by municipalities, allowing them to offer services at very modest prices. Some will offer special family rates or even sponsor some children free of charge (Ask and you shall be served.) Daycare pre-and-post day camp may be offered, and must be factored in to your budget.

  • Who is going to be there? That means camp staff; how well-trained are they? Try to find out what the criteria for employment at the camp are, and speak to some satisfied customers. That also means which kids; will some of her/his friends be there? Will there be opportunities to interact and make new ones?

  • Your child’s needs and interests; Would your child benefit from a remedial or therapeutic program of some sort? Is your child very physical? Then you’d better make sure the program you choose keeps her/him very active. The same goes for children who are artistic, creative, scientifically curious. Does he/she have a special talent such as languages, music, athletics, swimming, diving, gymnastics, etc.?
Whatever choices you make, the number one consideration is finding the right fit for your child’s happiness and well-being, and it is important to ask the right questions before deciding.

Good luck with your search, and have a happy, productive summer!