Beautiful summer weather was coming to an end, and the autumn colors were beginning to paint the skies. My son, the second of three, had just turned six and the great adventure of school was on the horizon. Like most parents and kids surely experience, that first morning came with a little more anxiety than anticipated.

We walked together towards the stop point for parents and watched him slowly go through the doorway. He suddenly stopped, turned around with a sad face and tears in his eyes… waving goodbye. I held back the emotions that follow heart breaking moments and as all good moms would, reassured him that everything would be alright.

A year passed and the learning difficulties were already creeping up. I would reason to myself; “he’s still young”, “it’ll come around” and as all grandparents would suggest “you have to be patient”. As weeks, months and another year went by, it was more and more evident that this was NOT getting better. A little further on down the road, we decided that it was time to have an evaluation done by a children’s psychologist in order to better understand how we could help him. My son was diagnosed to be severely dyslexic. We tried many programs and tutors all of which never seemed to help him obtain better results. I felt that we were misguided through the process and so as the song says… another brick in the wall.

Peer pressure took its course and other students began to make fun of him. Papers would come back with red ink corrections decorating his homework. We worked so hard together, but each and almost every time, success was nowhere to be found. After each disappointing episode of trying to make things better, I’d find comfort in letting life take its course. I would convince myself to “go with the flow” and that with more time (at his own pace) things would eventually take a turn for the better. Truth is, he cried for help at every homework time. It was becoming more evident that we didn’t have the necessary tools to overcome this.

Grade six was next at bat and signing up for high school was on deck. At that moment, my sentiment was that he’d strike out by the time he got there. These were not happy days… but faith works in mysterious ways! While in attendance at one of our son’s hockey games, my friend (and future associate) noticed that I wasn’t my usual “peppy” self. I opened up to what was weighing on me and she suggested the Cellfield program. She used her child’s own personal experience as a reference and explained what it had done for them. At this point, I felt that this was our last HOPE and so we took the dive. Result; after only a few short weeks, improvements were noticed in grade levels, attitude and self-confidence. It was amazing. This program was a true gift!

Today, my son and I are both extremely proud of the accomplishments he has achieved especially those in reading, writing and comprehension. Reality is that through Cellfield, he’s found his way!

As a result of these experiences with our children, H.O.P.E. Resource Center has been founded. We are now trained licensees and qualified to administer the Cellfield program as well as other services. Feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to get you well informed and guide you towards the results you can expect.