Since 1985, Judith Bougie has been an authority regarding hearing rehabilitation. Established in Laval, her expertise and personalized approach at her Clinique auditive Bougie, audioprothésistes, have made her a key figure in her field. We sat down with this warm-hearted businesswoman.

A Valleyfield native, Judith Bougie’s first calling was a passion for figure skating. As a child, she trained constantly to acquire all of her Canadian and American qualifications. She even taught her passion to younger talents until she became pregnant with her first child.

“I was very involved in figure skating, but all the while thinking about my future. I knew very well that it would not become my profession. I enrolled in Health Sciences at Collège de Valleyfield Cégep without knowing exactly where it would lead. I loved the healthcare field, and I wanted to help people. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to see any blood.”

It was in the guidance counsellor’s office that she saw her path unfold before her. A pile of leaflets sat next to her, boasting a new program. The Collège de Rosemont Cégep offered a brand-new technical program for hearing aid acousticians. “I had no idea what was waiting for me, because I knew nothing about it, but a little voice was telling me that this was the direction I needed to take.”

So, Judith Bougie packed her bags, headed for Montreal, and landed in a boarding house run by nuns. “My parents didn’t want me living in an apartment on my own right away. They thought I was too young. The following year, I found three roommates and we moved-in together. Throughout my studies, I continued training my young skaters. It was a good source of revenue.”

Upon completion of her studies, she quickly began working in her field for another hearing aid acoustician. She travelled extensively throughout the Greater Montreal region and the Laurentians until one day, while attending a convention, someone suggested she open her own clinic. “I did not want to return to my hometown because there was already a hearing aid clinic in Valleyfield. Someone suggested I explore the Laval region. It was in a telephone booth on St-Martin Boulevard that I started searching for Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) and audiology clinics to see if there was a need and if they would refer their patients to me. It was not a foregone conclusion.

Thankfully, I was armed with my carefree youthful spirit. I met with an ENT who was looking for space to install his soundproof cabin as he did not have enough space in his office. So while I was away teaching figure skating, this doctor’s audiologist would use my office and my equipment to perform audiograms for him. That’s how it all began, one step at a time. My father even co-signed my first loan, because the banks https;//kook.sewould not accept me financing everything on my own.”

It was therefore by chance that she decided to establish herself in Laval, not only professionally, but personally as well. The hearing aid clinic opened its doors in January of 1985 under the name of Judith Bougie, audioprothésiste. “I became a Laval resident the following summer because I wanted to live close to my new baby. I wanted to be present at all levels and invest 100 per cent of myself. I wanted to apply my dreams to my clinic, so as not to lose the very essence of my mission. To this day, I am convinced that having additional clinics would not bring me anything more. I did not want to dilute my expertise and I especially didn’t want to lose control.”

In hindsight, Judith Bougie is extremely proud to see that joy and rigour have always been present in her company. “I am so grateful for my staff. We have a wonderful team spirit. I value harmony and teamwork. My team is like my family. There is a shared sense of belonging. I am very lucky, but I also know that I take care of them in return. It’s win-win.”

When a patient decides to confide their hearing health to a professional, they have the right to be discerning and the members of the Clinique auditive Bougie, audioprothésiste team constantly strive to provide their clients with top notch service. “Every time I welcome a new client, I want them to feel good right away. I want to instil a climate of warmth and confidence. We are often told that being here is very pleasant, that we are always smiling, and most importantly, that we always take the necessary time to really listen to each patient. We truly care. Incidentally, we are glad to say that our clinic offers a shuttle service for our clients who are unable to travel to our clinic on their own. I believe that the success of a company is measured by the care that we put into it.”

Despite her daily responsibilities and commitments, Judith Bougie has always wanted to continue seeing patients. “I work three days a week in my clinic, it's so important to me. When the employees see that I also put my shoulder to the wheel, it gives them the desire to go above and beyond. They are appreciative and they know that for me, the most important thing is to be fair to everyone. I always offer the best of myself.” While pursuing her career and raising her family, Judith Bougie was also implicated in her professional Order, as an administrator from 2001 to 2011 after serving as the President of the association from 1995 to 1998.

There is no shortage of dreams and projects at Clinique auditive Bougie and 2019 is filled with them. “My big project is an expansion of the clinic. Our office will move from the fourth floor to the mezzanine. We will double our square footage and increase the number of employees as well. I devote a great deal of time to preserving the quality of the services we offer. It is certainly what sets us apart, and makes us a key player in our field.”

To book an appointment or find out more about Clinque auditive Bougie, audioprothésistes, visit them online at