Many people think of summer camp as a solution for working parents once the school year comes to close. However, there are actually a lot of benefits to sending children summer camp, whether you need to or not.

It Can Help Foster Independence
When children are in their comfort zone, they aren’t likely to challenge themselves. The same is true for adults. Sometimes, we need to reach outside of our comfort zone to open ourselves up to new experiences. For children, opening up to something new and unknown can be a challenge, but they are sure to overcome it at summer camp.

Camp counsellors work to teach children how to do for themselves. At home, it can be easier for Mom and Dad to complete certain tasks in an effort to save time. At summer camp – much like at school or daycare – counsellors help children learn to complete basic tasks for themselves.

Some children also thrive when surrounded by their peers. For example, if all of their friends are tying their own shoelaces, your child may be more encouraged to do the same.

Children Develop Necessary Life Skills

According to the Canadian Camping Association, children learn many essential skills like respect for others, tolerance, mindfulness, and leadership skills. By working in teams and meeting children from all over the city, campers learn a lot about themselves and about each other. Summer camp counsellors help teach team building skills by encouraging children to work together to solve problems and play certain activities.

At summer camp, children play, work and have fun together. While many parents feel their children get this from school, summer camp is a completely different environment. Because it is less structured than school, it creates a much more relaxed atmosphere where children can leisurely learn and grow together.

Children Develop Lifelong Friendships
Summer camp can be an enriching experience for all children, from preschoolers to teens. The friendships developed at camp can stem for very meaningful connections. Because children are depending on one another at camp in order to work together and thrive as a team, they tend to form very secure bonds with their fellow campers.

Specialized Camps Can Nurture a Talent
Today, there are loads of summer camps to choose from. Math and science camp, dance camp, robotics camp, music camp – the list is endless. If your child has a knack for a particular activity or a passionate interest in a specific subject, you may be able to help nurture that very skill by sending them to a specialized summer camp. They will get the opportunity to develop their skill and further their understanding of the subject at hand.

All in all, there are many benefits to sending your children to summer camp. It can be a great opportunity to place your child in an environment that allows them to spread their wings in a safe and secure environment.