What is it like for parents when their child with special needs attends regular school classes? How do these children fare with studies, classwork and fellow students?

A set of parents from Laval with special needs 10-year old son Julio continue to live through this experience which for the most part, has been extremely positive.

Julio was diagnosed with autism at the age of two and half years old. To his parents’ complete astonishment, Julio was able to read in two languages by the age of four. He has an incredible memory and recalls things that happened years ago. Julio has 7-year-old twin brothers, so their mom must show equal attention and love to all three children. Sometimes the twins wish Julio could do have more fun with them, but they accept him for who he is.

When it was time for Julio to attend school, his parents constantly worried about how classmates and teachers would treat him because he could not communicate well. It was extremely stressful the first year of school, but his mother was always involved at the school. Some parents asked Julio’s mother if it would be better for her son to attend a special school instead. This hurt and saddened her that they would immediately judge instead of educating their children to be supportive.

Julio attends an elementary school in Laval. His mother says the school Principal is wonderful, caring and concerned about all the children’s needs. Both the Principal and Daycare Technician form strong bonds with the students and demonstrate to the special needs children they care about them while providing valuable support to parents.

Teachers and classmates learned how to help Julio. Each year they learn more about his abilities. Julio loves going to school and is flourishing. He follows a modified program. The other students feel good about Julio participating with them.

Julio’s mother says that he has three attendants who accompany him during his classes. The attendants work diligently, are involved and show the children they care. She says that it is easy to see that the teachers really want the students to succeed. With special needs children, parents and school administrators must work together to meet a child's requirements so students achieve their goals and obtain the education they rightfully deserve.