Deep, deep down at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean lies a secret place, the deepest spot on the entire planet...the Mariana Trench. What creatures lurk down there? This question propelled Montreal author Lydia Lukidis into years of research. She interviewed a slew of experts who not only study the trench but have also visited its depths. The truth about life at Earth's deepest point may be surprising to many.

After a few years of research, writing, and editing, Lukidis is happy to announce that her book DEEP, DEEP, DOWN: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench (illustrated by Juan Calle and published by Capstone Editions, a Capstone imprint) is officially released. It combines two of her biggest passions: STEM and poetry.

Another passion of hers is fostering a love for STEM among children. Her workshops dispel the myth that science is difficult and always complex. Instead, she shows children that science is all around us and can be fun.

Lukidis be celebrating the book’s official launch during the Blue Metropolis Literary Festival. It will take place at Babar Books on Saturday, April 29 @ 11 am. She’ll read the book, answer questions, and offer a fun, free STEM activity. The event is suitable for children aged 4-11 and their families. Register here: