Sona Lakhoyan Olivier, Member of the National Assembly for the riding of Chomedey, is a passionate advocate for healthy living and community engagement. Her dedication extends to constituents of all ages, from youth to seniors.

Elected Member of the National Assembly for the Chomedey constituency in the general elections of October 3, 2022, Sona Lakhoyan Olivier, holds several responsibilities within the Official Opposition. She serves as the spokesperson for tourism and is also responsible for the Lanaudière and Laurentides regions. Additionally, she holds the positions of Vice-Chair of the National Assembly Delegation for Relations with Shandong (China) and Kyoto (Japan). Mrs. Lakhoyan Olivier is also a member of the Economy and Labor Committee and the Bureau of the National Assembly.

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” — John Muir
Sona says, “access to nature and sports facilities is not just about physical activity; it's about fostering a sense of community, promoting well-being, and enhancing the overall quality of life for citizens.” She continues, “Similarly, providing accessible green spaces and recreational areas enriches the lives of individuals and creates harmonious living conditions within our cities."

Sona's background as a former mid-range track athlete and coach, coupled with her upbringing spending summers in the mountains, has instilled in her a deep appreciation for the outdoors and an understanding of its positive impact on well-being. Having experienced firsthand the joys of nature through activities like hiking and biking, she recognizes the profound effect it can have on a person's physical and mental health.

She emphasizes the importance of active living in a safe environment, whether through cost-free activities like nature walks or access to sports facilities like tracks, which both offer immense benefits to the community.

One of the greatest lessons that sports teaches us is the value of perseverance, hard work, and teamwork.

Sona collaborates with Sports Laval and Club d'Athlétisme Dynamique to promote sports and healthy habits among youth aimed at encouraging and fostering a love for sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Age is no barrier to staying active and vibrant. Embrace every day as an opportunity to thrive and enjoy life to the fullest.

Sona is also committed to engaging with seniors, supporting initiatives such as home care, social support visits, and adapted leisure activities. She frequently visits senior citizens, listens to their needs, and brings their concerns to the National Assembly.

In addition to her work with youth and seniors, Sona advocates for fair educational policies, and raises awareness about riverbank preservation through cleanup campaigns and community events.

Life is meant to be lived!
For Sona, a healthy community encompasses a strong economy, through thriving local businesses, in a safe environment.  

A thriving community, requires a robust economy and a high quality of life, facilitated by access to nature, schools, and recreational sports facilities. These amenities cater to families, young people, and seniors, fostering enjoyment and well-being for all.

Sona's dedication to her constituents shines through her proactive approach. She regularly walks to meet with residents, visits local restaurants and stores, and is always attentive to their concerns. She encourages community members to schedule appointments with her or her staff at her office.

"Tomorrow is another opportunity to improve upon yesterday." — Less Brown
For Sona, spring, and summer signal outdoor gatherings with fellow citizens, fostering stronger community bonds and fueling her passion and determination for her work. As a Member of Parliament, she prioritizes being present within her constituency, embracing its diversity, and approaching future challenges with optimism.

She also organizes invitations, such as meet-and-greet activities in her office, as well as outdoor activities. If you are interested, just follow her announcements on her Facebook page to participate in such activities. She would love to meet everyone.