Reflecting on his journey from Loyola High School to becoming the owner of the popular Bocci restaurant in Lasalle, Joey Arcoraci, a proud alumnus from the class of '91, emphasizes the profound impact Loyola had on shaping his values and worldview. Since his twin daughters, Audrina and Gabriella, became part of Loyola's Secondary 1 inaugural coed cohort, Arcoraci found himself revisiting the core principles that have defined his life.

"Loyola was more than just a school for me; it was a community," Arcoraci recalls. "The Jesuit values of service, compassion, and intellectual curiosity that were instilled in me during my time there continue to guide me in both my personal and professional endeavours."

For Arcoraci, Loyola's emphasis on community and service laid the groundwork for his approach to business and relationships. "Running a restaurant isn't just about food; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and connection," he explains. "Loyola taught me the importance of collaboration and empathy, qualities that have been integral to my success."

With Loyola's recent transition to coeducation, Arcoraci sees an opportunity for his daughters to benefit from the same values-based education that shaped his path. "I'm excited for Audrina and Gabriella to be part of a community that celebrates diversity and encourages critical thinking," he shares. "Loyola's dedication to nurturing the whole person ensures that they will receive a well-rounded experience, preparing them with the skills and values necessary to thrive in today’s world."

As Audrina and Gabriella embark on their journey at Loyola, Arcoraci finds solace in knowing that they'll be surrounded by a supportive community that shares his commitment to making a positive impact in the world. "Loyola is a launchpad for future leaders," he reflects. "And I'm confident that my daughters will embrace the opportunities and challenges ahead with integrity, grace and determination, just as I did."

In essence, Loyola High School represents more than just an educational institution to the Arcoraci family—it embodies a legacy of excellence, community, and service that spans generations. As Audrina and Gabriella write the next chapter of this legacy, they do so with the knowledge that they carry Loyola’s Jesuit values within them, guiding their path toward a brighter future.