Ask anyone why they like living in Laval and one comment among the various responses will be, Laval is a great place to raise a family. Parents here know they can rely on wide selections of safe neighbourhoods, parks, youth sports programs and a complete range of social and community activities.

Laval is ranked 17 in Canada’s Best Places to live in 2011, based on data complied from 180 Canadian Cities and towns with populations over 10,000 people. Laval is the fastest growing English-speaking community in Quebec, with an explosion growth rate of 35<>percentage<> from 1996-2006.

Laval Families Magazine is the first local English Family Magazine in Laval and is a locally owned and family operated business. Laval Families is published four times a year; our mission is to enrich families by providing information and inspiration in these areas;

Spirit, relationships, family activities, home, juggling work and family and enjoying your extended family and friends.

From our own experience as parents, we know how satisfying it is to acquire information from various sources in order to make smarts decisions. In creating Laval Families Magazine, we honour that -all-encompassing approach. Our goal is to make Laval Families Magazine, the most valuable one-stop local parenting resource in the Laval and North Shore region. Giving parents, families, youth and seniors, local insight, into resources and solutions to the challenges of raising family today.

You can pick up copies of Laval Families Magazine at places you frequent. Grocery stores, public & private schools, pre-school, day-care centers, medical offices, retail locations, and other family friendly sites or you can subscribe to receive Laval Families Magazine at home.

We appreciate your thoughts and viewpoints and would love to hear what you liked and what you believe would make Laval Families Magazine an even more valuable resource for you and your family. We are here to make the most important job on earth, being a parent just a little easier.


Luigi Morabito