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BY AUTHOR: Tina Quintanilla...

Digital Citizenşhip: Studentş and the Law  | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Digital Citizenship: Students and the Law
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Students are responsible for their behaviour when it comes to the use of their devices: c...

Skillsets for Life: Exploring the Great Outdoors | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Skillsets for Life: Exploring the Great Outdoors
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Some parents may be concerned about whether or not their young child is getting enough ti...

Coping with Adult ADHD  | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Coping with Adult ADHD
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

While many may take the ability for granted, focusing on a specific task or conversation can sometimes be difficult for some people. Normally, this isn’t a cause for concern, but it can be alarming if your trouble concentrating seems to make your ...

Developing the Talents of Gifted Students | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Developing the Talents of Gifted Students
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Teachers often do not have the time or the resources to help a gifted child maximize their...

Why Your Teen Needs a Summer Job | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Why Your Teen Needs a Summer Job
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

As your child grow into a teenager, you may start to wonder if it’s the right time for them to start working. The answer is yes. A summer job can help teach your teen a...

Learning to Love Your Body at Any Age | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Learning to Love Your Body at Any Age
Learning to Love Your Body at Any Age | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life MagazineLearning to Love Your Body at Any Age | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

In the world of social media, the standard for beauty is perfection. Young girls grow up believing you have to be thin, with long, luscious hair, plump lips, a full bus...

Are You Ready to Conşider Downşizing? | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Are You Ready to Consider Downsizing?
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

People tend to think of downsize as a reaction to the loss of a loved one, financial strain, sickness or an inability to care for oneself. But what about seniors who ch...

Should Stay-at-Home Parents Send Their Children to Camp? | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Should Stay-at-Home Parents Send Their Children to Camp?
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Deciding on whether or not to send your child to summer camp can be a complex decision fo...

Encouraging Speech Development through Play | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Encouraging Speech Development through Play
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Every child is different, so it’s only natural that each one will grow and learn and deve...

Intergenerational Living:  A Smooth Transition for Everyone | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Intergenerational Living: A Smooth Transition for Everyone
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Living in the suburbs has it perks, but a lot of elderly people are starting to feel over...

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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
Articles ~e 105,7 Rythme FM 4 chemins Annual Teacher Appreciation Contest Appui Laval Arts & Culture Ballet Eddy Toussaint Camps THIS ISSUE MORE...
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