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BY AUTHOR: Lori Leonard...

Standing on Your Own Two Feet | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Standing on Your Own Two Feet
Lori   LeonardBY:

As our parents age, we are concerned with health problems such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, eye care and dental care. We tend to forget about the importance of ...

Educational Camp vs Sports Camp | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Educational Camp vs Sports Camp
Lori   LeonardBY:

Just as no two adults are the same, neither are any two children. Some children have a stronger aptitude and affinity for sports, while others prefer to learn and dis...

Demystifying Dysgraphia | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Demystifying Dysgraphia
Lori   LeonardBY:

What is dysgraphia? The term dysgraphia derives from the Greek words: Dys meaning impairment, graph referring to a person’s handwriting function and letters formed, and ia meaning a condition. Hence, dysgraphia means disabled handwriting and difficul...

Sheldon Kagan Tells All in New Book | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Sheldon Kagan Tells All in New Book
Sheldon Kagan Tells All in New Book | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life MagazineSheldon Kagan Tells All in New Book | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine
Lori   LeonardBY:

In 1965, at just 15 years old, Sheldon Kagan made a life-altering decision. His career would be music. As a DJ, Sheldon had a deep passion...

Understanding Passive-Aggressive Disorder | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Understanding Passive-Aggressive Disorder
Lori   LeonardBY:

Passive-aggressive behavior was initially and clinically defined during World War II in t...

Seeing Life More Clearly | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Seeing Life More Clearly
Lori   LeonardBY:

Almost everyone will require cataract surgery at some point in their life. In a healthy clear eye, we have a natural lens that refracts light which comes into the eye to help us see. With cataracts, the eye lens becomes cloudy which makes things a...

Getting Clear About ADD and ADHD in Children  | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Getting Clear About ADD and ADHD in Children
Lori   LeonardBY:

Marie-Josée Trudel has a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She developed an expertise on ADD...

Traditional Media: What’s in Store? | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Traditional Media: What’s in Store?
Lori   LeonardBY:

There’s something to be said about perusing the “dog-eared” pages of a really good book on a rainy day, snuggled beside a fireplace. Favourite books become friends thro...

Baked with Tender, Loving Care | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Baked with Tender, Loving Care
Lori   LeonardBY:

Baking has been a long-standing Italian family tradition for Joey Musumeci and the entire family behind Pâtisserie St-Martin in Duvernay, Laval. In fact, Pâtisserie St-...

The Angels of Pâtisserie St-Martin | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine The Angels of Pâtisserie St-Martin
Lori   LeonardBY:

Since she was a young girl, Mary Musumeci, co-owner of Pâtisserie St. Martin in Laval, always had a soft spot in her heart for others. She truly enjoys helping people a...

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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
Articles ~e 105,7 Rythme FM 4 chemins Annual Teacher Appreciation Contest Appui Laval Arts & Culture Ballet Eddy Toussaint Camps THIS ISSUE MORE...
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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
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