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Axion 50 Plus Invites all Laval Communities to Join their Centre | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Axion 50 Plus Invites all Laval Communities to Join their Centre
Axion   50 PlusBY:

Axion 50 Plus is increasingly frequented by Laval residents as well as our neighbours nea...

The Benefits of Caring for a Pet  | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine The Benefits of Caring for a Pet
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

A dog is often referred to as man’s best friend. There is a lot of truth in that saying. Studies have shown that caring for an animal can be truly beneficial to your we...

Are You Ready to Conşider Downşizing? | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Are You Ready to Consider Downsizing?
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

People tend to think of downsize as a reaction to the loss of a loved one, financial strain, sickness or an inability to care for oneself. But what about seniors who ch...

Intergenerational Living:  A Smooth Transition for Everyone | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Intergenerational Living: A Smooth Transition for Everyone
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Living in the suburbs has it perks, but a lot of elderly people are starting to feel over...

10 Candles for the Pédal’don | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine 10 Candles for the Pédal’don
Lili   Monette-CrépôBY:

Since 2010, the Société Alzheimer Laval (SAL) organizes the Pédal’don, a bike ride on a recreational trail called Le P'tit Train du Nord in the Laurentians. Cyclists pedal 100 km over two days to raise funds for Alzheimer's disease and other neuro...

Calligraphy: Beauty in the Written Word | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Calligraphy: Beauty in the Written Word
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Calligraphy is the art of handwriting. One must be patient and take their time in performing the strokes of the nib onto paper as they focus on laying out the letters. ...

Indoor Herb Gardens for Health and Fun | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Indoor Herb Gardens for Health and Fun
Lori   LeonardBY:

As we enter senior years, nutritional needs change accordingly. Seniors are more prone to health problems, so a healthy diet becomes more important. Certain foods and t...

Standing on Your Own Two Feet | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Standing on Your Own Two Feet
Lori   LeonardBY:

As our parents age, we are concerned with health problems such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, eye care and dental care. We tend to forget about the importance of ...

Staying Active Without the Gym | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Staying Active Without the Gym
Maria   TutinoBY:

You probably would not be surprised if I told you that regular physical activity is essential at any age. As a senior, the goal should be ...

Seeing Life More Clearly | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Seeing Life More Clearly
Lori   LeonardBY:

Almost everyone will require cataract surgery at some point in their life. In a healthy clear eye, we have a natural lens that refracts light which comes into the eye to help us see. With cataracts, the eye lens becomes cloudy which makes things a...

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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
Articles ~e 105,7 Rythme FM 4 chemins Annual Teacher Appreciation Contest Appui Laval Arts & Culture Ballet Eddy Toussaint Camps THIS ISSUE MORE...
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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
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